• Information Technologies and Information Safety, IT Solutions

Foto Information Technologies and Information Safety, IT Solutions Information, is an asset which have value for any entreprise as well as other important commercial presences and for that reason, it needs to be conserved appropriately. Information safety protects the information from large hazard and threat areas to provide commercial maintenance, to minimise the commercial losses and to maximise the return of commercial opportunities and investments.

Information could appear in many different form.  It could be documented and printed, could be hold as electronically, via post or could be delivered by the help electronical media/opportunities, could be filmed or could be expressed orally during the conversation.

For information safety trainings : http://www.egitim-qatechnic.com/

  • ISO 27001 Training
  • ISO 27001 Certification

      Information, is an asset which have value for any entreprise as well as other important commercial presences and for that reason, it needs to be conserved appropriately. Information safety protects the information from large hazard and threat areas to provide commercial maintenance, to minimise the commercial losses and to maximise the return of commercial opportunities and investments. Information could appear in many different form.  It could be documented and printed, could be hold as electronically, via post or could be delivered by the help electronical media/opportunities, could be filmed or could be expressed orally during the conversation.

      Information, should always be conserved appropriately independent from what is the form or whatever it is meaning when it is shared or gathered. Information safety, is defined as the conservation of clauses seen below :

      Confidentiality:  To guarantee that information is only accessible for the individuals entry clearance provided.

      Integrity: Provision of the accuracy and integrity of information and process methods

      Convenience : To guarantee that authorised users will reach to information and related sources when it is required.

      Benefits of ISO 27001:2013:

      •     enables continuity of work
      •     gains the trust of  customer
      •     comply with legal regulations

      It is a sign for great importance is attached to Information Safety Management System  

      Confidentiality, reliability and convenience of information; provides conservation and continuity of competitive power, cash flow, profitability, legal obligations and commercial image.

      Protects the information systems and its networks against threat and hazards come from extra large sources such as computer aided fraud,  espionage, sabotage, destructiveness, fire and float.
  • ISO 20000
    • ISO 20000 Standard is a standard prepared to establish IT companies’ activities and organisational structure gathering 6-7 standard under a single roof.

      • Enables to see feasibility clearly,
      • Increases the productive usage of sources,
      • Prevents the business and problem recurrence,
      • Increases safety,speed and accessibility in service processes,
      • Provide convenience in selection and management of external service providers,
      • Increase the motivation of employees and correct analyse job satisfaction,
      • Fastens the learning period of accessibility of past experiences,
      • Increases the customer satisfaction,

      It is valid for all great-small companies basing on IT Technology services notwithstanding to its sector.

      It is also appropriate for Internal IT service providers and external service providers such as IT subcontraced organisations. It is also preferred by IT dependendent sectors such as telecommunication, finance and public sectors and call center service providers have outsourcing activities.
      You can reach to our officers from 0216 572 4910 phone number for the detailed information related to certification application, establishment of standart and application processes regarding your company.
  • Penetration Props
    • Control and reporting of security gaps on owned IT systems by Bilgi Kent Penetration Test Services as third pary, is one of the first steps of proactive security.  Humans can not always notice the weaknesses of managed systems by nature. There is always possibility for somehing to go unnoticed.

      Number, knowledge, skills, time and motivation of hackers attack to bad intentioned systems on internet, is always above the time, knowledge and motivation owned by security experts . If we mainly divide the information technology security into two, one of them is defensive security and the other one is the offensive security which we call it as proactive security.Pentest studies are the result of offensive security sense.
  • ISO 22301
    • Busines continuity, is a maintenanability capacity of company product and services at an acceptable level after interruption. What is tolerance level of business processes of organisation and what are the required steps to re-operate the processes within estimated duration, underlies the business continuity studies.

      ISO 22301:2012 is the first international business continuity management standard in the world.  Aim of the standard, is the development of planning, application, monitoring, review and maintainability performances in organisations of companies work in coordinated manner. It covers not only companies but also improvement and continuity maintenance stages of humans, plans, processes, works and sources.

      22301 standard enables the delivery of products and services  in the pre-designed manner, protects the brand and value creating activities, assures in derogatory cases and provides the continuity of all processes.
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